"Applications submitted through the official website of the UE "Buxara Regional Railway Junction" are considered official applications.
It is important to read the Law on Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities before submitting an application.
You are required to fill in the following fields. Otherwise, we will let you know that the incorrect information is anonymous.
Ismingizni kiriting
Manzilingizni kiriting
Telefon raqamingizni kiriting 990001234
Murojaat matnini kiriting
Murojaat raqami | 12345678 |
Murojaat matni | dasdas |
File | |
Yuborilgan vaqti | asdas |
Javobgar shaxs | 12345678 |
Title | dasdas |
Javob matni | text |
File | |
Time of creation | text |